Mindfulness: What is it and what can it do for you?

You’ve likely heard of it by now. But what exactly does ‘mindfulness’ mean? Mindfulness involves being present in the current moment, in touch with your sensations and emotional experience. Its opposite is ‘mindlessness’, being caught up in thinking about anything but the present moment. That might sound vague- so let me elaborate with an example.

Picture yourself walking to the train on your way to work. Are you busy planning your day? Or checking social media? Or thinking about a disagreement you’ve had with your partner? If so, you’ve likely missed the sensation of the sun on your face, the sound of the birds in the trees, the feeling of the breath in your body. Not a big deal, you say? You might be right…but over time we lose contact with the present moment all together. We are constantly ‘in our minds’- in the future or past. Feelings like joy and happiness are only fleeting, as our attention moves quickly on to the next thing.

Mindfulness isn’t just limited to noticing the things around you. When we are mindful of what we are thinking we can learn to consciously decide which thoughts we chose to accept or reject. We can cultivate the ability of being nonjudgmental. We can hone our focus on feelings to assist in developing forgiveness or loving-kindness towards ourselves and others.

Mindfulness may be practiced like meditation- consciously taking time out of your day to practice being present. It may also be incorporated in your daily life, like when you’re eating a meal or taking a shower.

The benefits of mindfulness are well documented. They include stress reduction, reduced rumination, improved working memory, increased focus, less emotional reactivity, more cognitive flexibility, relationship satisfaction and a ton of health benefits like increased immune functioning.

How does one learn to be mindful? There are some great apps that can get you started.

“Smiling Mind” is Australia’s leading free meditation app, and it was developed by psychologists and educators expert in the field. It includes programs for children and adults, as well as a great introductory mindfulness course. If you are new to mindfulness, this is the place to start.

“Calm” is a premium mindfulness app. It was Apple’s ‘App of the Year’ in 2017 and for good reason. It has loads of great content focused on topics like self-esteem, gratitude, relationships, managing anxiety and more. Its premium version is a little pricey- so make sure you’re committed before purchasing!

So download an app, take some time out for yourself, and see what this ‘mindfulness thing’ can do for you!


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